Activity 4: Themed days

Activity 4: Themed days

Host ‘Jewish day’, ‘Indian week’, ‘LGBTQ day’ or ‘Disability week’ and explain your students things about the chosen topic, its history, people, suggested movies and books. Ask students to work in groups and present one of the following topics to the rest of the classroom: food, music, games, facts, videos. Try to embed a topic into each area of your programme.

Arabic day:

  • Wearing something colourful.
  • Listening to music: Oum Kolthoum and Cheb Khalid are two of the most popular singers.
  • Dancing: belly dance, show a video with Nataly Hay.
  • Lunch: prepare mezze, a selection of small dishes served as appetizers and falafel.
  • Watching an Arabic movie: “Wajda”