Preventing Radicalism through Critical Thinking Competences

Preventing radicalisation in school by empowering teachers through continuing professional development.

Grant Agreement Number: 2018-1-IT02-KA201-048442

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 09/2018-08/2021



Schools play a key role in preventing radicalisation by promoting common European values, fostering social inclusion, enhancing mutual understanding and tolerance, and developing students’ critical thinking about controversial and sensitive issues as a key protective factor against radicalisation.

The Paris Declaration (2015) states teachers need new skills and competences to deal with complex classroom realities and to confidently respond to diversified groups, while the continuing professional development (CPD) programmes have been recognised as not always sufficiently relevant to teachers’ needs.

In this framework, CPD approaches should be developed to respond to relevant needs and challenges of teaching methods, applicable to diverse learners with the aim to prevent radicalisation.


PRACTICE aims at preventing radicalisation in school by empowering teachers through continuing professional development, using participatory methods with schools at local, national and EU level.


A comparative research report was drafted based on a desk-based research and a primary research through interviews and focus groups with teachers, education professionals and stakeholders. This report includes the context, policy and practices about CPD, critical thinking teaching and radicalisation prevention in schools across Italy, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece and UK.

Read the report here.

A Radicalization Prevention Programme (OER) will be produced, aiming to:
·         Promote critical thinking and effective strategies to engage with pupils on local, national and international Issues/Grievances.
·         Develop  personal critical thinking skills in pupils by using small group work and other activities.
·         Address  controversial issues challenging pupils’ misinformed views and perception.
·         Challenge false myths and stimulate understanding and appreciation of diversities.
·         Include basic knowledge on radicalism.
·         Enhance teachers and school leaders’ skills in identifying potential risks and mitigate them.

The guidelines for teachers provide background, information and advice on how to manage and deal with radicalisation in the school setting.
Its use is two-fold:
a. Supporting teachers in the implementation of the programme, including how to implement peer collaborative learning process.
b. Providing the background to ensure that teachers will feel comfortable and confident discussing these subjects. Guidelines provides teachers and support staff with information and advice on how to manage and deal with issues of radicalisation in the school setting.

Read the Guidelines here

The Policy Recommendation Paper aims to influence policy makers for improving current policies and strategies about CPD innovation, critical thinking, teaching and radicalism prevention in schools, making them more relevant to today’s classroom and school environments. The paper is based on the research and needs analysis and the results of PRACTICE programme and is focused on EU and national context.